From September 2021 we can announce that Sport BU has taken on responsibility for BUBC. It comes with a guarantee that BUBC remains open to non-rowers and a guarantee on funding.
And we are already beginning to see drastic changes. Our ergs are no longer in Winton School and as if my magic have been found a place in the gym. Our coaches are now paid and we are searching for a paid assistant coach and we now have a dedicated strength and condition coach.
This means we can now run our land training on three mornings a week and there are fewer excuses the rowers can make. Although the latest one was great: "I was in a police cell".Can't argue with that.
We've split the club between Performance Athletes who commit to doing 80% of the training and Club Athletes who can just do what they want.
But probably the biggest advantage is that all our athletes are now covered by university insurance. This has enabled us to do a deal with Canford School allowing both clubs to share all the boats in the boat house. This has allowed us to start a proper sculling programme and is going to produce better rowers.
So we now have proper training facilities, dedicated coaches and good equipment - all we need is more athletes. Covid has hit us hard and two years stuck in there rooms has made students even more reluctant to get up in the morning!