BourneAlumni has been created to support Bournemouth University Boat Club and to help retain the bonds of friendship between the hundreds of former members. We had fun, trained hard and punched above our weight against better-funded university rowing systems.
We are proud members of a fraternity that now spans the globe and occupies positions in every walk of life. Over the coming years, we intend to create a thriving network that not only supports new athletes at BUBC but their ambition to make their mark in their chosen professions.
Our ambition is to make BourneAlumni a sporting and professional network. Alongside BourneAlumni we have created BourneBC to allow members to continue to compete in a British Rowing affiliated club.
Thank you for your support.

We believe that rowing builds lifelong friendships, respect and self-esteem. This opportunity should be open to every Bournemouth University student regardless of sex, height, weight, religion, ethnic background, orientation or financial circumstances - forever.