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BourneAlumni Membership

BourneAlumni is open to anyone who previously rowed, coxed, coached, or had a social membership of Bournemouth

University Boat Club  

What We Do

Since 1993 Bournemouth University Boat Club  (BUBC) has been teaching people how to row - mostly from scratch. Over the years the club has prospered with great coaches, athletes, and coxes but it has always been a struggle. From 2021 BUBC is entering a new era as a high-performance sport within Sport BU. BourneAlumni has been created to support the club during this new era and to ensure that the club's ethos of taking young people on a personal and sporting journey is maintained. Become a member now and we'll connect you with the friends you've lost contact with and help give back to the club. 

 Membership Benefits

Bourne RC is a new boat club we have created so BourneAlumni members can compete at Bristol University Head, Henley Fours and Eights, and Henley Royal Regatta. 


Bourne Alumni membership will give you access to social events, a newsletter every term, information about fundraising and access to great new creative talent for your businesses.

How to Join

We are offering one membership with two ways to pay:


Bourne Rowing Club and BourneAlumni Annual Membership





Bourne Rowing Club and Bourne Alumni Monthly Membership -

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