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Dreaming of a New Boathouse

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

Canford School's boat house has been a great place to build BUBC from but it is getting a bit small.

Alumni Annabel Everson's model of Canford's proposed new boathouse

BUBC has five boats sitting outside and we struggle to carry out a modern weekend training programme which would include weights and ergs as well as water work. So we are teaming up with Canford School to try and create a community rowing club within the next five years. Pictured above is a model of our ambitions for the boat house created by BUBC alumni Annabel Everson.

It would include a crew room and coaches offices above the old sculling shed and a gym, cafe and education room above the main boat house. In the basement there would be a water tank to help train novices and the blades would be kept in racks by the riverside. So no more going up and down to get blades.

Do you know an architect or a structural engineer who could design the new boat house for free?

We are now looking for an architect or structural engineer who could design and cost the project. Do you know one who would do pro bono work for Canford and BUBC?

Finding the Money

The project could cost anywhere from £250,000 to a million pounds - way beyond BUBC's means. We hope to get support from Bournemouth University, the new local council, the developers of the land next to the boathouse (c700 homes about to be built) and grants from the national lottery. Others have done it and we are determined to create the facilities BUBC athletes deserve to help them reach the next level of achievement.

Can you think of any way of helping. Have you got skills that can help us fulfil this challenge. Think about it we would love your help. Please contact if you have any thoughts.

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